Ocean Messaging

To improve office efficiency and patient care, some doctors at RRFM are now using direct messaging through a platform called Ocean. The Ocean platform is recognized as a secure form of communication and used by numerous public health organizations, the Ontario Ministry of Health, and hospitals.

How to open a secure message

  1. Open and read the email. Sender will be listed as Rideau-Rockcliffe Family Medicine or your doctor.
  2. If they include any personal health information or need you to complete forms, there will be a blue weblink in the body of the message. Clicking on the link will take you to an encrypted page where you can see your secure message and forms.
  3. To access your secure message, enter your date of birth. For messages sent through a child’s chart, enter the child’s date of birth. Depending on the provider, there may be additional security questions to validate your identity.
  4. Read over the secure message. If there are any attachments, download the files via the “Download” button before proceeding.
  5. Click “Next” to move on to your forms. If there are no forms, you can close the window.
  6. Depending on the situation, sometimes the message will allow patients to “Reply”.

Once your forms are complete, your responses will be automatically sent into your patient record for the provider to review.